
A detective ant helping young dyslexic children to read

Secret Codes and advanced codes

Learning to read is one of the most demanding tasks for a young student, particularly when learning to read the English Writing System. It is estimated that 14.5 million students and 45.5 million adults have a reading disability, reading disorder, or dyslexia. Unfortunately, many children struggle to learn to read because they are not taught to read with an appropriate science-based reading curriculum.  The Secret Codes and
Advanced Codes are the solution to the reading crisis.

The Secret Codes is a kindergarten regular-education reading curriculum that prevents reading failure. The Advanced Codes is a first-grade regular-education reading curriculum that continues the training that students received with the Secret Codes. Both curricula are appropriate for homeschooled students.

The Secret Codes and Advanced Codes are innovative, based on the Science of Reading, aligned with Structured Literacy, and decrease the number of students who experience reading failure.

Learn more about the secret codes

School VersionHomeSchool/Parents Version

Learn more about the Advanced codes

School VersionHomeSchool/Parents Version